Thursday, May 22, 2008

Music Appreciation Flunkies

My kids flunked Music Appreciation today. Yes,they did. My grand scheme for the summer mentioned in my previous blog has been blown out of the water. This is what they did.

We were listening to Manhattan Transfer. They refused to clap on beats 2 and 4 which is sacrilege when there’s jazz in the room! Those goofballs kept clapping on the 1 and 3 beats and I told them they were going to Remedial Jazz Appreciation this summer. Which, in all honesty, is fine by me.

In the comments section of my original Music Appreciation blog, my friend Julie had an interesting suggestion. She said something about Sinatra, Martin and Bobby Darin. Julie doesn’t know me that well, but I have to give her credit because she must know music! I just bought Oh My Nola by Harry Connick Jr. If you don’t know Harry Connick Jr. watch this:

If you want to know more about Harry Connick Jr. rent the DVD Memphis Belle or borrow it from me. Your husband won’t mind. It’s a war movie but worth it’s weight in gold when Harry sings “Danny Boy”. I’m swooning right here and now.

So here is Plan B. Frank and Dean and Harry are easy to find because they are in my every day rotation. Bobby Darin is another matter and I’ve been thinking I ought to get some Sammy lately. Does anyone know if Joey Bishop ever had a hit tune? I could have a summer tribute to the Rat Pack. I like Julie’s idea. We’ll have a cocktail party instead of karaoke. Maybe Joe will wear a suit. I’ll wear red lipstick. Hey! I know someone who makes harvey wallbangers. We’ll have dry ice for atmosphere and my kids will do a show. Zach will play “Candy Man” on the piano. Jillian will sing. Evan will tap dance wearing shades and it’ll be great! Wanna come?

Who knows which Rat Pack member was related to a President?
Who knows how many times Dean Martin has been married?
Who knows if Jerry Lewis is still alive?
Who knows why I would mention Jerry Lewis?
Who knows what hit song made #1 by Sinatra’s daughter?
Who knows who Joey Bishop is?
Who knows which artist(s) mentioned in my blog have nothing to do with the Rat Pack?
Who knows all the lyrics to I’ve Got You Under My Skin?
If you do, you get an A+ in bein’ a cool cat!
Who thinks I was born in the wrong era?


Anonymous said...

Okay....I know that you mentioned Jerry Lewis because he was in the Stooge and other such movies with Dean Martin. Dean's real name is Dino....and I love his crooning. Does Joey Bishop have anything to do with Liz Taylor?? Were they married?? Okay....I totally flunk, too...
BUT.....I do know that Harry's wife has a very cool first name!

PS - I still like MY idea for music class this summer!

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie, our Dino was married three Betty, Jeanne, and Cathy with a candified K...never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool..oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth..

Michelle said...

I can tell your children are music aficionados with a good sense of humor. How fortunate they are to be exposed to a wide breadth of music appreciation and history. My personal favorites are classical, latin, and traditional folk music from around the world. There’s something music that touches us to the core. Music truly is the language of the soul.

Vessel said...

Ok, stop it!
I love Harry Conic Jr.
What about Michael Buble?
I still like the Karaoke idea.(with the dry ice)

Vessel said...

Sorry Harry, it's Connick Jr.