Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pumpkin Bread, Peanut Butter and Little Pilgrim’s Progress

I had such a terrible summer. Okay. You got me. I’m being dramatic. I know. I can hear my mother tell me now, “It’s not the end of the world you know!”

The last few weeks as we’ve been approaching the end of the end of the summer, I’ve been grieving a set of bad choices and missed opportunities. Why? Because I couldn’t see clearly through the fog of activity. Priorities. They are important. I missed 'em. This summer, instead of stepping back to see where I was going, I just went with the flow. The consequence: I was truly unhappy with where I ended up - upside down with my life jacket wrapped around my neck screaming, “What did I get myself into?!”

Going with the flow is a great quality if you are a canoe or a kayak. I, however, am more like an air-craft carrier. I run a tight ship with precision making it possible for various take-offs and landings. I have a lot going on in my head and my heart and slowing down, carefully plodding and living intentionally suits my character better. Going with the flow can be a lot of fun and many times I have been pleasantly surprised at how energizing and productive going with the flow can be! But I gotta be honest, it’s not how I function best. It’s not my design.

So, I have repented and refused to embark on another rafting trip down the Whatever River and I have chosen instead to get back on board the USS Simplicity. Captain Mom is saying, “No” unless there’s a good reason to say, “Yes” and will keep things simple as long as possible.

This afternoon I made pumpkin bread. It’s not fall yet, but it just sounded so good! After dinner Zach started making peanut butter cookies. The boys walked the dog, together. Evan and I played a SAT question game on the computer. He got the math questions before me! I talked to a friend on the phone while I cleaned counters. I read my Bible today, several times. Did I write that? Yes. Whoopee! I found the time. I also read an extra 3 chapters of history to Zachary and his sister. Did you notice? I even found some time to blog. Tonight I will begin a new read-aloud, Little Pilgrim’s Progress by Helen Taylor. Jillian vaguely recalls her first hearing of this classic tale. This time around she’ll more fully embrace the simple principles of John Bunyan’s retelling for children. She may never want or need me to read it aloud again.

I wonder what will be in it for me this time? Certainly, I am making progress on my own pilgrimage but like little Christian in the story, I can get thrown off course in my travels by the likes of Self, Worldly, and the Giant Despair who inhabits Doubting Castle. But tonight I will unload my pilgrim’s burden and celebrate a day well lived.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how God designed us? When I hear "USS Simplicity" I think "going with the flow". When I hear "living intentionally" I think lots of busyness and planning. Isn't it funny? Anyway....there is lots of time for lounging, resting and living intentionally TOGETHER coming up soon! Simple pleasures of sharing hearts on beautiful walks, games with kids, running and just basking in the glow of the friendships only the Lord can build! I can't wait to board the USS Simplicity in a few days! Until then I am on the Goodship OH MAN I TEACH THE FIRST CO-OP THE DAY BEFORE I LEAVE FOR VACATION AND IT HAS TO BE GOOD BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE HAS DONE THIS AND THEY ARE LOOKING AT ME TO SET A GOOD EXAMPLE!!! (yep, it's a destroyer!) Ahoy, Matey!

Shirin said...

That is funny and it makes me smile. Lord knows He didn't want 2 of ME!... that's why He made you so very complimentary ;) BTW, I see you as a sailboat on a sunny day eatin' the berries out of a box of Captain Crunch!

Robin said...

You just perfectly described my summer. I, too, made the poor decision to paddle down "whatever river" and just go with the flow.


But I guess there's value in learning from that mistake, right?


Denise said...

i've found that the "fog of activities" happen in every season.
as much as i HATE living eonsaway from everyone,our proximity to activities makes it easier for me to say no, and for that i'm grateful.
i'm learning to be busy a couple of days a week, but to hibernate at home the remainder. it is those days at home with yummy cookies in the oven that re-energize me for the others.
glad you enjoyed a quiet day at home.

btw- we haven't read pilgrims progress yet (have the adult version). which do you read/suggest?