Thursday, February 11, 2010

Isn't it Romantic?

A Boaz by any other name would smell as sweet... okay, so that's not exactly what Shakespeare wrote, but after reading the Book of Ruth this week, I am feeling very romantic.  I am feeling romantic about this man named Boaz.  (sigh)

In fairness to cultural and historical authenticity and even theology, we could go on and on about the obligations of the kinsman-redeemer.  We can talk about the fact that in a sense, Ruth initiates the marriage proposal, not the other way around.  You could argue that this story is really unromantic.  But would you indulge me? It’s not the way I am reading the Book of Ruth today.

Upon her arrival in Judah, Boaz protects Ruth and makes sure she has more than enough.  I think it’s marvelous how he tells her to "go get a drink from the water jars."  Later, he offers her some roasted grain and finally he makes a real statement of his affection when he gives her six measures of barley so that she would not go away empty handed. (sigh)

Boaz has a stellar reputation among people.  Naomi even says, "He has not stopped showing his kindness to the living and the dead."  That can only mean that even years ago, when Naomi first lived in Bethlehem, he was known for being a really good guy. By Naomi’s statement we can know that Boaz hasn't stopped being a really good guy.  He is one of those faithful, steady types, loaded with integrity and everyone knows it. (sigh)

But what impresses me most is the blessing Boaz gives to Ruth. He goes out of his way telling her, "May you be richly rewarded."  Later he says, "This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier."  He praises her further by saying everyone knows you are a "woman of noble character".  What an encouraging guy!  Ruth has arrived in a land where she is lowest on the social totem-pole of approval, a total nothing and yet she receives welcome, favor and blessing instead!  How romantic!  How like my God! (sigh)

But I gotta be honest.  When I look a round the church building at all the little kids running amuck, I meet a plethora of Joshuas and Calebs.  I meet Davids and Jonathans.  I meet Timothys and Thomases. I even know Isaacs and Jacobs (Jacob I have never understood since that unfortunate Bible character is known for so much deception!)  In the right church, I'll even meet kids named Jesus. I meet  Nehemiahs, Micahs and Ezekiels (when last did you read any of THOSE Bible books?)  But Why? oh! Why?! aren't any of these special, wonderful marvelous little boys named BOAZ?  I mean, he's most assuredly one of the most noble of Biblical characters!

Anybody want to name their precious new baby boy BOAZ?

How about naming your daughter Dorcas... or maybe that is a blog for another day.


Echoes in Ink said...

I've yet to figure out the rash of Ezekiels... I'm not a huge Ezekiel (name) fan.

Hmmm... what would you call a Boaz for short? Bo?


Charity Anne said...

Ricky loves the name Boaz. He named him Dalmatian Edison Boaz (Eddy Bo for short). He says he intends on naming a son Boaz as well.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Boaz (the man), not huge on the name. I think I would opt for Joseph....another man who encouraged, lifted and fought social more's to love a despised woman. Only he knew she was truly favored.
He had the joy of helping raise the son of God (and was in Boaz's family tree!)

Vessel said...

I knew a Dorcas growing up. Her name kinda fit the image sadly. Not biblically of course, but she was sort of a nerdy girl. She's probably a modle now.