Sunday, July 11, 2010

Love does not seek its own...1 Corinthians 13:5

So far, I have no one tracking with me on my HP (Happiness Project) although I have at least three friends who have bought the book and at least two reading it. That’s somethin’!

One of my favorite subjects, Love, I have blogged about previously. But Love has come up again as a result of my HP. You can read Happiness Project, Chapter 2 if you scroll down. My Take Away Point - What says “I love you” to my family?

And then, one of my favorite pastors, BG (Bill Giovannetti) of the Neighborhood Church in Redding, CA has recently blogged about one of my favorite subjects, Love! Please read what he wrote in theological terms about Love, one of my all time favorite subjects. Perhaps it is the most significant topic to dwell upon, ponder and grow into which is why Love is one of my favorite subjects!

Part 2 of BG’s message is here.

I LOVE this stuff even if no one else cares because love does not seek its own!

(That’s just another way of saying, you don’t have to like it just ‘cuz I like it. It’s okay to be different. Love doesn’t need for us to agree about everything or even prefer the same things. )

Don't you just love learning new Bible stuff?


Anonymous said...

I love Love, too! Overwhelming. One thing I have found about it is that it means different things to different people...and when we ARE self-seeking, we make it what we want it in our own heads. I am careful with love now, really paying attention to my use of the word so that what I convey is the Biblical example overall, and not man's version of really, really, liking something/someone.

charityanne said...

I am ordering the book...had to buy curriculum first. I also shared about this on facebook...just thought I'd let you know.

Anonymous said...
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charityanne said...

Update: Read the first two chapters...I'm glad you brought the book to my attention.